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PRESS KIT: access institutional material, information about our activities, photos and videos for your coverage.


See where the Foundation has been in recent years and learn more about what we do.

Sustainable Vision-Believing they can: the first step to a childhood without barriers​

TV Chronicle-Participation in PUENTES program

ONE-Note for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

C5N-Food collection to benefit Fundación Pilares

minute oneSuccessful C5N campaign against hunger

Scope.comSolidarity campaign against hunger collected 15 tons of food

TotalMediaEmployees de R/GA Buenos Aires organized an art day in Villa 21-24 of Barracas

Present CSR - From elementary to high school: the challenge of not giving up

People's Daily -The Pilares Foundation celebrated Immigrant's Day
A24 -Note in the Andean Program and El País
The Guardian - Hidden City: will giving residents land rights transform Buenos Aires 

Third Sector Radio-Interview with Pilares Foundation

El País newspaper -Childhood: Argentina's ambitious plan to stop having poor children. 

People's Daily -Countdown to the Pilares Foundation dinner

FM Millennium 106.7 -Pillars: 10 years for a society without barrierss

Single Radio FM 91.3 -Note in the Solidarity Impact program

Third Sector Magazine - Lift the language barrier to build the CSR area of a company

Argentine Satellite-Note in the program Our Voice

Entrepreneurs NewsEncontraRSE: training in CSR for companies

Radio City-Interview on the program Things that Happen

Ole Newspaper-Pilares Cup: who joins? 

Third sector -Pilares Cup: put on your shirt for a different reality

Radio del Plata-Interview in the program Speak For You

THE NATION-Holidays in the villa: how the boys spend the summer in the middle of the cement

America TV-Note in the program Bridges of Hope

channel 9He is 91 years old and works at the Pilares Foundation​

People's DailyRafael, a heart of solidarity at the age of 91

THE NATIONVolunteer day: they are over 80 years old and choose to use their free time to help​

Third sector-Being a volunteer at age 91

Third sector-Nota Fundación FEMSA brings pediatric-nutritional assistance to children from shanty town 21-24

Subway Channel-Interview in the program Banda 3.0

Third sector-Note: L'ORÉAL held the 8th Edition of its Citizen Day

LIVE Magazine-Note Empower with the word

Diario Popular -Note Fundación Pilares organizes its annual charity dinner

Third Sector Magazine-Note Pilares Solidarity Dinner: for a society without barriers

ONE-Note: one day as a volunteer at Fundación Pilares

Third Sector Magazine-Note The NGO Agenda

People's Daily-Note Encounter for child malnutrition

Sustainable Future-Nota Provide training to make water drinkable in Villa 21-24​

Entrepreneurs News-Note Safe Water for the Families of Villa 21-24

People's Daily -Note: Educational experience with nature for the Pilares Educational Program.

Radio Frequency Zero FM 92.5-Note Departure to Temaiken in el programa Sector S

Diario Popular -Note: The "Pilarcitos", contention y development in Villa 21-24

Solidarity BA -Note: The Pillars Cup is coming

Present Social Responsibility - Note: Pilares Foundation Championship for the benefit of Villa 21-24

City Connection Note: Pilares Cup: football for the benefit of the Villa 21-24 of Barracas

Third Sector -Note: Wear the shirt for the families of Villa 21-24

Neighborhood News- Note: Football Championship for the benefit of the Villa 21-24

Sonic Radio Interview with Magdalena García, Pilares Foundation, in El País Social

UNI Magazine (UNICEF)-Note: Early Childhood Care

Deluxe Magazine-Note: Eight years building pillars of help

The nation-Note: A group of prisoners made and donated toys for children from Villa 21-24

Present Social Responsibility-Note: From a penalty to Villa 21-24: toys with history

Present Social Responsibility-Note: Pilares and Fundación AVON visit mothers from Villa 21-24

Radio Frequency Zero FM 92.5-Interview in the program Sector S

The North Zone Radio 96.1 -Something to Give 2016 in the Innovar Sustainability program

Radio FM Millennium 106.7-Invitation to Algo Que Dar 2016 in the Social Contact program

Third sector-Note on Something to Give 2016

FM Bread and Work 107..1 - Interview in the program Making Place

WorldsNGOs-Note on the work of Pilares

Radio FM Millennium 106.7-Interview in the Social Contact program

Subway Channel-Interview in the program Banda 3.0

Radio Culture FM 97.9-Interview in the Environmental Question program

Tour Buenos Aires-Inauguration Pilarcitos Early Childhood Center

Radio Pehuajo 97.5-Interview on the program Citas de Radio

Live Magazine -Community Engagement Calendar

information-Solidarity Art and RS Event

NEWS Magazine-2015 Profile Awards: Ethical Intelligence Foundation: 2015 Profile Awards in Public Good (Interview) Awards 2015

Cnn in Spanish-How to prevent malnutrition in Argentina (Video)

For you-Agenda: Something to Give

Clarion. sustainable management-Social Agenda: Something to Give 2015

Radio Culture FM 97.9- Interview about Algo Que Dar in the program "Más que dos".

Radio World El Hornero-Interview with the president of Pilares, Guillermo Arce Monsegur

Radio Concept FM 95.5- Interview with the Community Relations Coordinator in the program "No one is perfect" are in trouble

Blog To serve is to loveInterview with Guillermo Arce Monsegur,President of the Foundation

THE NATIONDeliver the heart for the long haul: interview with volunteers from Caacupé NGO

infonewsThe website to donate for free: campaign to donate notebooks to the Educational Program of the Foundation through the web –As easy as donating a click: campaign to donate notebooks to the Educational Program of the Foundation through the web

THE NATION-The alternative circuit is always open on the first day of the week: note on the event "Art Monday at the Palais" organized by Caacupé NGO at the Palais de Glace

THE NATIONgood thing it's monday: note on the event "Art Monday at the Palais" organized by Caacupé NGO at the Palais de Glace

THE NATION– Community Supplement: “Be a volunteer in images” contes

tigers magazine– “From the heart of the town”

LIVE Magazine“Caacupé: the path of inclusion”

Journal ONE– Diffusion ofCampaign "Urgent Argentina" - CONIN

THE NATION:A new way to toast the new year

South World Radio– We launched the Family Assistance program

Radio The World– Presentation of the educational program

THE NATION-Discriminate on the pitch

Classic FM Radio– Inauguration of the Maternal and Child Center - CONIN

Young Surge – Radio FM 87.75- Volunteer activities for young people

neglected lyricsBeing with and for others: Interview with Ignacio Mendizabal, the Executive Director of Caacupé NGO

Radio Palermo- We launched the Educational Program

Documentary filmNow what Argentina?- Carried out by students from the University of North Carolina (USA) and journalism students from the Argentine Catholic University on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the 2001 crisis.

Youth in Action RadioInterviewto a neighborhood mother

America TV- The cornice: Dr. Inés Torrado (Pediatrician) and Lic. Teresa Kleine (Nutritionist), both members of the Caacupé NGO Maternal-Child Center Team, disclosed the nutritional status of the children of the village between 0- 5 years.

THE NATIONgive away on weekends: Interview with Guillermo Arce

Channel A24- Andino & El País: presentation of the Family Assistance program

CONTEST: “Seconds for all” from Cablevisión – 2012 Edition: Mention for the Caacupé NGO spot

New Generation-An NGO in Villa 21 of Barracas

THE NATION-A work with the mission of erasing borders


Fundación Acción País para la Formación de Liderazgo Social 

CUIT 30-71231764-3

Tel: 11- 5846-5687

José Bonifacio 2966

(C1406GYL) | CABA, Argentina

IGJ 1838305

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