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Join our community of godfathers and godmothers

Make a monthly contribution to support the work we do with children in vulnerable neighborhoods in CABA.

 Choose your contribution and commit to childhood today!

EDUCATION PLAN$700 (25 per day)
Your gift will support the education of 4 children in our programs.


EMPLOYABILITY PLAN $500 (17 x day)
Your gift will support the trajectory of 3 women entrepreneurs in our Social and Solidarity Economy program.

HEALTH PLAN $1000 (35 per day)
Your gift will support a family's access to COPIF
(Timely Care for Early Childhood).

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Accompanies the integral functioning of the organization.

Fundación Pilares has a certificate of exemption from income tax granted by AFIP.
That means that all the donations you make can be deducted from your statement.
Ancla 1

Learn about the work we have been doing with the children and families of Buenos Aires neighborhoods for more than 14 years.

Descargá nuestro informe 2024 (1).jpg

Fundación Acción País para la Formación de Liderazgo Social 

CUIT 30-71231764-3

Tel: 11- 5846-5687

José Bonifacio 2966

(C1406GYL) | CABA, Argentina

IGJ 1838305

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